Thursday, November 4, 2010

No Question for Tomorrow but here are the Paper Requirements

The Self and the Good Life
Short Paper #2

The Great Individual?

Directions: The topic of this paper must be a research essay which combines your previous essay defining courage with an examination of its appearance in a concrete individual. This individual can be a fictional character but it cannot be an abstract example. I prefer historical individuals like Alexander the Great or St. Theresa of Avila but I also think that literary figures like Prometheus also help us to understand the concept of courage. To repeat, no abstract examples.
In your first paragraph I need you to summarize your definition(s) and overall theory of courage. Then you must address the issue of how your individual instantiates this definition/theory. In the following two paragraphs you need to argue for this identification by doing research into their lives and actions. DO NOT give me a biography but rather only use the material relevant to proving the instantiation of your theory. Finally in your third body paragraph you need to acknowledge how your individual fails to live up to your definition i.e. how they may be a coward or a fanatic/villain. In your last paragraph must resolve this problem by asserting your opinion. For the sake of forcing you to make an opinion, I will not accept concluding paragraphs which simply argue that “all is relative.” Perhaps you believe this, but in the end, you need to learn how to argue for your opinions rather than doing the “safe” thing and not taking a stand.

In contrast you may also write about a fanatic or a villain. You will just need to argue how they may be a courageous individual/hero in your third paragraph.


Ø                  These papers must be 3 full pages and written in Times New Roman 12pt Font. (I know you guys will want to write more, but consider this test of how well you edit your papers. To help, when you are looking for thing to cute, delete extraneous or repetitive thoughts/sentences. Make sure you aren’t just saying the same thing over and over again but in various ways. Aim for depth or quality of insight versus breadth and length of your argument.) I WILL NOT READ ANYMORE THAN THREE PAGES. IF YOU WRITE A STUNNING CLOSING PARAGRAPH ON THE 4TH PAGE THEN I WILL NOT READ IT!!!)
Ø                  You will be graded on spelling/grammar, ability to explain the argument, and proper citations (no more than 3 quotes per paper).

Ø                  The format of the paper is your choice (e.g. MLA, Chicago etc.); however, be consistent throughout the paper.

Ø                  You may utilize only one quote of no more than 2 sentences long from the assigned readings per page and one quote from outside or extra readings per page. Be sparring here as in total you are only allowed three quotes in the entire paper.

Ø                   Above all, the papers will be marked on the clarity and quality of insight  regarding your understanding of the material we have read and discussed in class.

Ø                  Be sure to utilize the WAC LAB, located on the first floor of Bobet HALL.

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